Unit 6: Group Decision-making

In this unit, students are introduced to essential concepts related to decision-making in the context of issues related to the implementation of renewable energy systems. They explore how to implement realistic solutions that integrate relevant facts with the values of community stakeholders. They practice gathering facts through research and experimentation, as well as evaluating credible sources. Students envision how energy systems will impact our lives in the future with scenario planning when they consider various possible futures that could be affected by a decision. They explore methods of decision analysis to help them carefully consider the facts and the values related to the decision. Students learn about the importance of compromise in making group decisions.
Unit Driving Question
How can people make decisions, such as those related to renewable energy, that integrate facts and consider the values of stakeholders?

Teacher Edition

The teacher edition is designed to support teachers in fostering student learning over the entire unit. Information provided includes day-to-day instructional management: how to prepare the classroom, what materials are needed, sample student responses, and how to modify materials for diverse learners.
Teacher edition, Unit 6: Group Decision-making (13 Mb)
Student Book

Each unit requires students to interact with specific key concepts, process skills and thinking tools through various learning experiences. The student book has a deliberate structure that provides support for student learning, regardless of activity type.
Student book, Unit 6: Group Decision-making (23 Mb)

Vanwick’s Energy Project
Activity Type: Card-based InvestigationNumber of 40-50 minutes class periods: 1-2
How are facts and values connected to decision-making?
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Evaluating Energy Facts
Activity Type: InvestigationNumber of 40-50 minutes class periods: 2
How can determining a credible source
help you evaluate information?
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Gathering Residents’ Values
Activity Type: SurveyNumber of 40-50 minutes
class periods: 2
How can a survey be used to gather information about community values?
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Designing Model Wind Turbines
Activity Type: LaboratoryNumber of 40-50 minutes class periods: 3
How can understanding a model wind turbine help make a decision about using turbines in a community?
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Scenario Planning
Activity Type: Card-based InvestigationNumber of 40-50 minutes
class periods: 2
How does imagining the future inform current energy decisions?
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Energy Storage Model
Activity Type: LaboratoryNumber of 40-50 minutes class periods: 3
How can understanding an energy storage model help make a decision about using energy storage in a community?
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Building Initiative
Activity Type: Computer AppNumber of 40-50 minutes class periods: 1-2
How can a decision-analysis tool help make group decisions?
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Stakeholder Recommendation
Activity Type: InvestigationNumber of 40-50 minutes class periods: 2-3
How can facts and values inform planning for the future?
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Real-World Energy Decisions
Activity Type: ReadingNumber of 40-50 minutes class periods: 1-2
What can support successful group decision-making?
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Group Decision for Vanwick
Activity Type: DiscussionNumber of 40-50 minutes class periods: 3
What should be considered while making a group decision about Vanwick’s Project REV?
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